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(#13 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
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12-16-2008, 05:35 PM

Originally Posted by candioussays View Post
Well, I for one am struggling. I'm a full time student with no job. My boyfriend works full time to support us. My school is paid for by the government (one of the only good things about being po). I've been trying to get a job for months but my schedule with school is so crazy and no one wants a part-timer who can only work for 2 or so hours a day. I'm pretty sure I might go donate plasma this week. I'm so ready for the holidays to be over.
I can totally sympathise with that. When you say it's difficult to get a job people think your just slacking off, but since there are so many unemployed people who can work full time and any time, they don't want a part time student that has to take days off for university open days, exams etc. I'm 18 now so it's not like they are allowed to pay me less, either.
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