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12-16-2008, 09:02 PM

Originally Posted by Crani View Post
It's the other way around, the Xbox 360 as worse graphics then the PS3 but a better CPU, thats the reason why Splinter Cell: Convection isn't coming out in the PS3.
No, I'm pretty sure that PS3 has a lot better CPU than XBox 360, but it's hard to program in it. Performance-wise it's better, it just takes a lot more to make a game with that CPU. EA developers sent a big complain once to PS3.

The 360 uses "500 MHz ATI Xenos" and the PS3 uses "550 MHz NVIDIA/SCEI RSX 'Reality Synthesizer'... in terms of numbers the PS3 But I honestly don't claim to know that much about graphics chips, maybe someone like Ex could fill us in....
Yeah, but isn't XBox 360 - 512MB and PS3 - 256MB?

AGAIN: Do not discuss which CPU is better. All gaming developers have already stated PS3 has a better one but it's more complicated.
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