Originally Posted by MMM
Hiragana and katakana canned be learned in weeks, so dedicated Japanese students shouldn't need romaji.
If you can't learn hiragana, you're never going to learn Japanese.
おおい! かなはできますよ!
Trying to be the nice guy for once here and give the newbies a head start. If you wanna be so picky you can take the time out of your life and you can make the dammned questions.
Trying to make JF a better place without the kawaiipockysugoinekodesune people.
Originally Posted by Keaton421
This one's for you, Shadow

Dude, b*tch best be trollin!
Is that 90% french, 10% kawaiipockynekodesu? (could be the other way around too). Cant translate anything full stop?
Could have so much fun with that one, but unfortunatly, theres the rest of JF to tackle yet my friend, muwahaha!