My friend. -
12-16-2008, 11:44 PM
Well, there's this girl i really really like, and we've been friends for a few years now. Atm, she's single, she's not seeing anyone.. well..
The fact i'm really good friends with her is actually the main issue.. I feel like to her i'm 'only' a shoulder to cry on.. but i don't want that anymore, because ever since i met her, i loved her.
She's really the popular type of girl.. good-looking, popular, always people around her etc..
I know i'm really in love with her because, everytime when some other guys around, 'nd talks to her or anything, i get a strange jealous feeling.. and since she's popular i sometimes freak out at school, or when going out..
Another problem is she likes popular guys.. i'm not that kindda type. i'm not like some fugly nerd who gets owned by classmates all the time, i'm more like a normal person.. it's just i don't think i stand out enough.. also, i watch anime, game a lot etc.. you know, things most girls would think is 'geeky' or 'nerd'.. i don't think she'd like that.. but thing is, i don't wanna change myself for noone.
Please give me some advice .. ?