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12-17-2008, 12:32 AM

Originally Posted by Crani View Post
The 80GB and the new 60GB also don't have backards compability.
I play a PS2 game (NBA 06) on the older 60 GB and boy what a piece of garbage the PS2 emulation is, the image was really awfull, so I think they did a smart move removing that chip, because it is not worth it.
And a friend of mine broke his PS3 and it's going to take 2 months for them to give him a new one. And all the new Xbox's come with HDMI, so you can play and view movies in full HD, it even upscales DVD to full HD with the DVD addon.
I bought me an Xbox on Sept 5th, and mine didn't come with an HDMI cables, I think you mean the Hybrid Component/Composite (HD/SD). And only the Elite supports full 1080p HD (not available while watching HD-DVD, DVD playback not upscaled in component output mode)

Xbox 360 Output - DigiWiki

Originally Posted by JoshAussie View Post
Having to buy en extra control for "Rumble" sucks (What? you dont care about rumble? im just making a comparison.. lol - + id take rumble over sixaxis anyday actually id take a control with no rumble and no sixaxis over a control with sixaxis like sixaxis is legitimately horrible.

"I was playing mirrors edge - i was lying down on the couch but when i ran accross a pole a fell to my death because my control was sideways."

Just for the record aswell, Everybody knows that its not a 60%+ failure rate. But saying it makes you seem a little bit desperate. "Well, uh you haz a billionz%% failurez rate"

To sony's credit - I did like the bluetooth controllers.

Have fun playing with your cool control.. on your shitty game. "Oh yeah the actual PS3 control shape sucks too, Only bluetooth is cool"
as for online, there are around 50,000 people online playing CoD:WaW at any given moment on the PSN. CoD 4 still has a surprising fanbase (probably until X-mas when every gets WaW)

Soul Calibur IV lobbies are packed as well as the Metal Gear Onlin lobbies

Now that most of the glitches in SOCOM:Confrontation are fixed there are more and more people playing that now... (I personally just bought it for the official PLAYSTATION headset, which is awesome, btw.)

Newer PS3's come with a rumble controller.

The menu in Mirror's Edge gives you the option to turn off motion sensor, don't blame the game for operator error.

It's a well-known fact that the Xbox's failure rate is exponentially higher than that of the PS3.

Bluetooth controllers are good, up to seven people can play on a console.
Only thing I dislike would have to be the lack of multiple people being able to play a multi-player game online from the same console as available on the 360.

I think it's funny how you base your entire argument on the "removal of graphics" and other things that are obviously your opinions on which controller you like better, and your lack of accessing the game menu...

the 360 is the Vista of game consoles... Cool on the outside, but they rushed it out to make money... the original XBOX owned the PS2 in almost every aspect, it had a hard drive, better processor, and the game selection was fairly good... but they let it go to their heads if you ask me...

Microsoft is making computer's just like air conditioners; they work properly until you open WINDOWS.
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