Leave the year like it is. You made a big move, but she's going to spend Christmas and New Year's with her boyfriend, not much you can do about that. You can try to coyly ask her why she went looking for gifts by herself when you asked if she'd come with you... but it's risky.
Take this time to build up a little self confidence, work on not overanalyzing things (even women don't understand other women, so don't try haha), and come back to the office a winner.
If this becomes a movie like 電車男 I want some royalties
Do not confess. That's all I'll say.
Oh! I wish I was in the land of Ramen
Otaku there are not downtrodden
Kawaii! Kawaii! Kawaii, Desu Ne!
Defender of the Scholar, Scourge of the Otaku, Savior of Japan