Originally Posted by Sinestra
Im going to go with the Banks are stupid. Investing in a student at the moment is not such a good idea. With the economy the way it is and its going to get worse there is no guarantee that said student will be able to pay that money back and you dont know if that student will stay in school. Also, just because the student graduates you dont know if they will be able to find work after college its just not smart right now. Investing in a stable married couple with proven income is smarter. But Banks are about one thing as you said profit profit profit so they hooking these kids while their young.
Like said save for a rainy day or in this case save the many a rainy day. I have been putting all extra money into my savings after i pay my bills.
I think investing in students is the smartest thing a bank can do right now... You gotta remember, this crisis isn't gonna hold up forever... By the time most of these students finish their studies, the crisis will most likely be over. As for investing in a couple, that's risky because so many people are getting fired. Heck, some people that have been in companies for decades have been fired so someone that's been in a company for a couple of years sure as hell isn't stable. It's dangerous to invest in people that can declare themselves bankrupt after a couple of months!
Plus, students are the leaders of tomorrow. If banks make it too difficult for students to study, then the next economic crisis to hit will be even harder cos most people would be too uneducated. lol