as for the questions, i dunno if you meant my reply yesterday. i am in japan so, when its evening here, its morning there (in the US)
and vice versa. if you meant that i reply even during night and day (with regards to US time),
guess ill have to confess that well... i am a computer programmer after all.. my work is computer related.. in short if its daytime here and i reply it means im sneaking in a reply from my work computer.

(like what im doing now)
well what can i say.. dont tell me im the only programmer who does this.
Originally Posted by spicytuna
That's none of your business is it?
And what's to say that you're next in queue if her relationship goes sour?
Nobody is asking you to go cold turkey on her. Just put her aside for now and get out more! Meet new people, start new hobbies, explore new ground.
Trust me! Life is too short to be sniffling over a single girl.
as for this one, im not saying i know ill be the one next in line if their relationship gets sour. But thats also why im doing this, so ill be that one. i mean, girl wont come to me if i dont do anything..
i know ive been asking for opinions with regards to my actions / decisions, then have been contradicting some.
at some point during this ive been leaning on giving it a shot. but like i said, i wont steal her the mean way, nor the good samaritan way. nor am i trying to be robin hood (steal girl from the undeserving and give her to the deserving, me lolz). im just trying what i can so that if her relationshp gets sour, or her relationship isnt worth keeping then i can fight for her.