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(#69 (permalink))
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Altaru (Offline)
I want my Insanity back!
Posts: 156
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: I don't know, but it's dark and I hear voices...
12-18-2008, 01:37 AM

I can't say I like the guy, and I'll laugh at any of the jokes against him, but trying to run a country that had already been previously run poorly has to be a REALLY difficult job.

Obama's got his work cut out for him.

But you're right, I love how he maintained that trademark chimp look after he dodged a shoe.

And in all honesty the first shoe was thrown dead on target, the only reason it missed was because Bush summoned his inner ninja.

Then he comes up and pretty much throws it up in the guys face that he missed. "All I can report is, that was a SIZE 10 SHOE."

lol, I probably wouldn't be able to report much after that either. I'd be laughing my head off at the fact that the guy threw a SHOE. A SHOE, man, come on.

Squad 11 - Sanity isn't our style.

Emilie Autumn, in the middle. She's amazing. That is all.

"We're all puppets. I'm just a puppet who can see the strings."
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