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(#4 (permalink))
Saffron (Offline)
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12-18-2008, 06:58 AM

Thank you for your replies.
Spicytuna: It's great you have a good experience. Your bad experience wow what a nightmare!! Unfortunatly the internet does attract stalkers and general wierdo's That is one reason I no longer have pen pals in my own country, I would freak out if a pen pal turned up on my doorstep! I have a long list of bad experiences but nothing anywhere near as bad as yours. However I do have a good experience. After 3 years of trying to find a nice friend in another country, I finally found one 4 months ago Even though I have never met her, we are real friends. It is like we have known each other for years. When I have had pen pals in my own country, it does not mattter if they are a foreigner living here, all I get is can we meet for a coffee or I want to meet you, can I come round, this is normally in two weeks of knowing the person. Haha some did not wait that long. One man asked to take me out in 3 emails! I am not trusting enough to meet someone off the internet that quick.
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