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FreddyLea (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 83
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Louisiana USA
New to Japanese... questions on a few things. - 12-20-2008, 03:35 PM


Okay I have started learning Japanese, mostly just by hearing the words spoken. But i am now trying ot learn to read Hiragana and Katakana as well.

I am looking for some explanation in the differences in these characters. and reasons on why one is used so it will make more sense to me...

The person i am emailing started off a sentence with (which i had to use google to translate to find out what it meant, i assume it is Kanji right?)


What is the difference between using that or...

I know this is a simple question. But i am just trying to grasp the basics of sentence structures at the moment.

thanks for your help.
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