Yep I'm going to be doing and EGA Male sig in the near future
Oh and, I'm setting up a Buy/Sell/Exchange section on the first post, for anyone wanting to Buy/Sell/Exchange any lolita items.
I'm actually selling hair extensions at the moment, if anybody is interested they will be on the first page. Hair extensions are great for any kind of Lolita styled hair, so if you want you can buy them off me, also, they can be used for the tutorial I made here:

Originally Posted by MissMisa
~ Buy/Sell/Exchange Section ~
~ Dark Brown/Off Black Lolita Styled Hair Extensions ~
Seller: MissMisa.
Price: Can be negotiated.
Item Description: This sale is for a full set of dark brown/off black hair 14inch extensions. They are beautiful, silky, brand new and made of 100% human hair. They can be styled in any way, they can be either glued or clipped in, and they would be perfect for achieving a Lolita style, especially if you have short hair. If you look on the internet, the prices are very high, but I am willing to sell at a much more reasonable price. For how to use, my hair tutorial will help you out a lot. Like I said, it could be styled however you want, and it would look something like this when clipped in:
This was my hair with extensions, so as you can see it can also be a more VK look if you wanted it to:

If anyone is interested, feel free to PM me at any time~