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Hidetsugu (Offline)
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Location: In a soooo boring island that belongs to Spain ><...
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12-21-2008, 02:12 PM

Originally Posted by gattaccia View Post
Ciao Fuerteventura...means "strong wind" island?
I 'm Tomoko. it ends "o" but I'm a female. When I was in Italy , I received many letters which began Mr. Tomoko. hahaha

ooo it sounds this beautiful,,,, Canary islands... can you describe the landscape of your Island? Is it cold in winter?
Well, it does not means strong wind.. it is just Fuerteventura n_nu.. didn't know why that name...
Tomoko... it does means "Intelligent", isn't it? oh well, japanese girl's names use to end in 子.
Well, the island I live in is soooooo boring, there are not a lot to do but well, the weather is very nice, you can go to the beach all the year, and the beaches are very beautiful... but after beaches there's nothing else to do -_-... but well, you can also go to other islands that gots good weathers too (but it rains more than here there) and with a lot of things to do^^

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