Originally Posted by ThirdSight
This is where I stopped, because I think that's all the stupidity my brain could handle.
Kudos to you for being able to comprehend as far as you did.
Originally Posted by ThirdSight
But you're right of course: the actors, writers, director, editers, and even cameramen in the production of films like this aren't creative at all.
Ah you seem to be the professional movie go-er who knows everything that happens behind the scenes of a movie. Thus you seem to have taken offense at something totally irrelevant.
I hope you get over it.
Originally Posted by ThirdSight
Please think before you talk. If these pieces of media weren't creative, they'd be documentaries; it's the only other category that our simplistic american minds can stick stuff like this.
Ok so there's two types of media. Creative and Documentaries.
*writes this down*
Originally Posted by ThirdSight
Back on topic..
Really, I didn't realise you were on topic to begin with. o.O
Originally Posted by ThirdSight
..which is, from what I can grasp at this point, what constitues as creativity concerning borderline material. Here's a converstation between someone attempting to catch an author of a rather risky piece of fiction/manga/whathaveyou:
"It's illegal to show children in sexual acts."
"Define children."
"Under the age of 18."
"Oh, she's 18, but suffers from a magical disease that causes her to look young at night."
"I didn't know that. My mistake."
So, um, besides owning risky material like this, what's the problem again?
From that entire post, your point was that my definition of "creativity" needs some brushing up.
Lets put it this way. The writing of movies and their content, sucks ass.
Compared to older stuff, this trash has little meaning and little "creativity" in what thought goes into it.
Creativity to me goes hand in hand with originality of
The only real area where movies shine now is the glossing which editors and so on do. (That would be the large list of jobs you typed earlier and which I decided to summarise in my earlier post, at which you seem to have taken offense.)
Most movies that Hollywood produces are actually shit, for want of a better word. If you don't think so, then you are an extremely more generous person than I.
Either way, this is not a debate about how shit Hollywood has become in its creative content but how, in a drive to gain more money, the creativity in content has suffered. The same can be said for Manga.
Therefore, in an effort to sell more, there is lewd and sexual content produced since this
While I explained earlier that the artwork still holds creativity, the content doesn't.
I hope that clears things up for you old bean.
Originally Posted by MMM
ivi0nk3y, we are on different planets on this one.
Of course it wouldn't be regulation if everyone thought the same way, but that is a fantasy world.
And if you can't see creativity in the media, then we have no common ground to stand on.
I understand holding yourself to high moral standards. That is an good thing. But considering everything that doesn't meet my standard as essentially worthless is a little naive.
You can set standards for yourself, but you can't set standards for others and not call it censorship or regulation.
However you take my morals, is your prerogative. Those, like you pointed out, are my standards. If that automatically means that I find your standards worthless, then so be it.
It wasn't my intention however.
I only know that I don't want my kids growing up in this type of filthy society.
I wonder if you can get broadband on one of those fancy desert islands these days..
Originally Posted by Bureda
That was then. We are in now
Look at all the movie releases, how many of them contain innuendos of a sexual nature? almost all of them.
We live in a society where our youngsters are raised to be free, so free that they ovulate with one another without knowing its true purposes. Sex is just for fun. Who's to say otherwise. The media says so, the journalists says so. There's even guides on how to stay safe and pick up girls, there's free condoms everywhere.
Every genre of media is corrupt by the essence of getting vagina.
We need to go back to the basics. If the society leaders really gave two shits about us as a population they would easily clamp down on anything illegal.
So all in all everything in today's age IS done for money.
"Here's free condoms, here's free club entries, go spend, go screw, get HIV and pay thousands to the government so we can pretend to heal you"
This thread is turning out to be some real bullshit. What the fuck are we arguing with one another. Form a mutual understanding and escape from the brainwashing.
There's morals. Don't do something you don't want others to do to you. Everyone has been a child at some point, they know how frail and easily manipulated they are. Respect to be respected.
This "discussion" is going on because people have their opinions on this particular thread and the issues it raises.
The fact everything is done for money, is the point i'm making and the fact that it causes certain problems.
That may be how things are
now but somehow that doesn't automatically mean its right and should be accepted.