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Arikado (Offline)
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12-23-2008, 02:02 AM

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
Lol you can call it morals, a holier than thou attitude or elitest bullshit. That is your own guilty conscious coming into effect though for some reason or another. What makes you think you can't be the same and live by the same morals or standards? Would it make you elitest if you did so? Is it that you disagree with what I say?

Anyway, I never said I was better than anyone else. I just have a sense of justice and i'll play the devils advocate if I have to, to get a point across.
Right, because my "guilty conscience" is coming into effect and stating the obvious to the oblivious. Nothing makes me think that I can't be the same and live by the same morals, I DO live by similar morals and I believe society NEEDS change, but much of the world does not think along the same lines. I clearly stated that I respect your sense of justice. What makes you think I thought your standards were elitist? It's not elitist to live by those standards, but it is to preach them as right or correct.

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