Games that have scared you or permanently scarred you in your youth -
12-23-2008, 02:48 AM
I was cleaning up my TV stand, thinking about some games, and I suddenly had this thought for a thread.
I was wondering what video games have permanently scarred you or have totally made you freak out when you were younger.
Here are my weird stories:
I think Banjo-Kazooie was released for the N64 when I was at least six or seven. My brother and I played the game often, but every time we'd play... I'd cry over the witch. I often had dreams of Gruntilda chasing me with her horrible puns and rhymes, basically scarring me as a child. The weird monsters in the game made me think they would eat me too.
Now that I look back on Banjo-Kazooie, that was probably my favorite N64 game, but scared me shitless when I was real little. But what was worse was Banjoo-Tooie.
I think I was eight at the time Banjo-Tooie was released. I was proudly in second grade and totally excited for it to be in my N64. After I started playing and got to the King Jinjo turning into a Zombie... I was in fear of the King Jinjo-Zombie-Hybrid killing me in my sleep.
I think the old 007 James Bond game for the N64 scarred my relationship with my brother. He's six years older than me, and he always kicked my ass in the meanest way whenever we played. Surprisingly, I was never scared of this game when I was little. Because of his cruel intentions when we played, I think that's why my brother and I now are always on bad terms for silly reasons. Same thing with Mario Kart.
Odd World Munch's Odyssey freaked me out when I first got an Xbox. I have no clue why, but I think it's because everybody in that game is dirty and disgusting. I had weird nightmares from that game when I was a youngin'.
Dr. Mario sometimes scared me when I was little. My dad would play for hours and it would get so intense. Those little fuzzball-evil-things would freak me out.
I have a few other games that scared me when I was little, but I can't remember what some of them were. lol. The irony of this all is that Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and basically any other brutal game doesn't freak me out nowadays.
Thanks for reading!