Originally Posted by Arikado
That part in Resident Evil 4 on the island with the regenerators...ugh, that was stressful to play. You could hear them breathing...and then when they spotted you the music came on. Oh how much I hate that music...
I'm at that part on RE4Wii. I kind of stopped playing, not because it was scary, but because I bought Persona 4 and that's all I've been doing. lol Those things are creepy, though.
Another weird-ass game from my youth was Glover. I'd die in like one hit or something from the weirdest enemies. You had to carry this ball to the end of the level. Weird creatures that went in the same pattern back and forth would try to pop it. Sometimes you had to change the ball with your magic Glover-powers to solve puzzles and I was always afraid to move when I turned the ball into a glass marble. It was most prone to being destroyed then.
There was this one really scary level where it was all foggy and you had to go underwater with the ball turned into a bowling ball. THEN!!! When you went to the main place to choose what level you want to go into, there was this weird laugh from the bad guy in the background.
All of the games I'm afraid of are for little kids. lol T.T
I think the Condemned series are pretty scary. I used to play the first one at my friend's house. We'd turn off all the lights, put on the surround sound, and play on the BIIIIIG TV screen. As always, my friends forced ME to play the game. But that was in seventh grade or something. I recently bought it for the PC because we didn't get that far and I want to play it again.