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CarleyGee (Offline)
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12-23-2008, 04:16 AM

Originally Posted by Altaru View Post

I had SERIOSULY forgotten about that game... I wonder if I can find my old PS1 copy again, a friend gave me both an N64 copy and a PS1 copy a LOOONG time ago, and I've NEVER actually beaten it.

I'm not sure if I was scared so much as annoyed, though...

As for games that mentally scarred me for life... Actually, I can't think of any... It's sad, I've either completely forgotten them, or haven't played them...

I guess it scarred me since I accidently kept
poisoning all my creatures with bad mushrooms haha.

I wouldn't mind playing it again though... I never
really got the point of the game, and could never
reach all the eggs..

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