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(#114 (permalink))
Saffron (Offline)
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12-23-2008, 04:39 AM

Yes I believe in love for sure. Actually there was a guy I was talking to well over a year ago now, I thought I had found love with him but he rejected me and it was not until recently I realized it was just infatuation for me. I really felt anxiety with him, I stopped eating and I was unhappy. I think I would know if I found true love because the way I see love is that person would make me feel happy even when we are apart. I read somwhere if a person makes you feel anxiety they are not the one. I have hope in my heart that the guy I am meant to be with is out there somewhere. I do live on my emotions a lot but I do not just see the romantic side. I know that whoever he is I will really care for him and be there with him in good and bad times.
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