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(#36 (permalink))
FreddyLea (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 83
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Louisiana USA
12-23-2008, 05:06 AM

no game ever 'scarred' me ... but there are quite a few of them that made me jump while playing ... mostly zombie related ones ... but any game that has something out of the 'norm' suddenly jump out at you on the screen ... that will make me jump most every time if the game is involved enough ...

if it is a normal 'shoot em up' then na doesn't matter what there is ... but if there is a storyline and you have to progress through areas .. and then something jumps out at ya ... that will get me ..

i do recall one game ... but not the name ... i quit playing it after a t-rex busted through a side wall while i was walking in an area ... i put (well tossed) the controller down and turned the game off it made me jump so freakin much ... my wife laughed for days about it ...
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