12-23-2008, 05:26 AM
No it isen't,
Mana diden't invent anything.... he stole already exsisting styles..... and changed them to fit his taste... EGA is mana's version of Gothic Aristocrat the "Elegant" he placed in front of the regular GA and lolita is just to show that its his very special and "unique" style....*cough*.ripoff.*cough*.....
Oh and if anyone wonders why i hate that guy.....it's beacuse he made it so that everytime i try to find some decent male clothing...... i end up with pics of guys.... looking like.... check above pic...... or female clothing.
so beacuse of mana.... EGA is being overflown with female clothing...beacuse thats what he wears himself...
leading guys to either follow the trend...running around with skirts/corset or looking desperatly after almost nonexsisting masculine clothing in the lolita catagory. Ah that felt good.... all those agressions has just screamed to be let out.....
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