12-23-2008, 05:33 AM
Hmm... there aren't all that many games that have gotten under my skin. First (in chronological order) would be Descent II. Although the game was not designed to be scary much, I did jump out of my pants at some point or another. Especially in the latest levels. Those robots scared the crap out of me sometimes X)
Then there's Martian Gothic - a survival thriller. In such games zombies, that suddenly jump on you from the back, are expected and did not scare me much, but the atmosphere in the game and the soundtrack... pure greatness... or it was at the time the game came out. That game is hard to forget, even if I did not finish it (due to a scratched disk that prevented me to load a certain level >_<). One of the creepiest moments was coming across a dead body in one of the hallways. It was just hanging in the air, like it had been crucified. It didn't do anything... it just hung there and prevented any advance. This might not sound scary, but believe me, it was.
The Thing. I think that anyone who has played it, will understand why.
Aaand Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines - the hotel level. Just creepy as hell X)
Other than that, I don't remember any other game making me freak out. Sure there were some moments in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC, F.E.A.R., Deadspace and some other titles I have played, but they just did not have the right atmosphere.