Originally Posted by noodle
MissMisa, most of the things you've said are true, but there are hundreds of different situations. I don't believe that most teenage girls get pregnant because of all the benefits. Maybe the benefits persuade them to not get an abortion or to not give up the child after birth, but I'm pretty sure, most girls don't go out one evening planning to get pregnant so that they can get free housing and money!
It's true that Contraception is everywhere. Heck, the NHS walk in centres give you free condoms. But you know, these don't always work. This of course, is only a small percentage of teenage pregnancies, but none the less, it's still an important factor. Another thing, A LOT of girls can't take the pill, so the second barrier doesn't even exist.
There is also the spur of the moment thing or peer pressure which equats to stupidity, which I believe is the most common reason for teenage pregnancies. Information might be everywhere, but it doesn't mean people take it in or believe it. I know a few school friends that had kids. None of them done it because of the benefits.
Unfortunately however, I do believe there are some out there that wanna take advantage of the system. And the worst thing is, England has a system where it's in your best interest to be Rich or poor. If you're rich, you're rich, if you're poor, the government gives you everything, ff you're middle class, you get nothing! Hence why you feel the injustice in your friend getting all those benefits!
Yeah I know that, I actually don't think people usually become pregnant BECAUSE of the benefits, they just care less because they have that back up.
People make mistakes and I'd never look down my nose at someone who does, like I said, my best friend was 17 and it's just really weird to think because our lives ran on such a parallel until that happened and now I'm a godmother at 18...
Condoms aren't 100% effective of course, and there are a LOT of different types of pill out there, so if you can't take one you could take another brand usually [that's what the doctor told me anyway] and even if you can't, it's only a small percentage of people, and even smaller than that for a condom breaking. So I don't think it's really down to that.
Yeah exactly my point about the middle class thing, I think we get the worst deal. Rich people can afford everything anyway and poor get free money, and I'm penalised because of my parents jobs, arggh
[ends rant here