Originally Posted by Keaton421
No, you really shouldn't. It's AlphaDuck. Japan has the 2nd largest economy in the world (second only to you know who  ), and a pretty high-speed military. True, Japan has too few young people compared to their elderly, but more quantity =/= quality. China has a huge military and a huge population, but their military sucks and I believe I read that 90% of Chinese are working poor.
im afraid your WRONG on all counts there mr Grunt.
and as usual you come up with a little dig without ANY evidence..
using the National Inteligence Commitee data (who have acces to ALL CIA FBI DEA etc. and several international sources of information)
in about 15 years Japan is predicted to have a worker to AOP ratio of about 1/3 that means one old person getting pension for every 3 people of a working age....
once the ratio hits 1 old person to 4 young people you start getting into VERY deep economic problems...known in the UK as the pensions black hole...
at 1/3 you are in full economic freefall...which has knock on effects...
it starts with things like production, manufacturing and construction...
then the service industries begin to suffer due to the knock on effect on the retail market...
eventually you end up with a brain drain as all the smartest and youngest people go to other countries to seek thier fortune as there are no oppertunitys at home...
this eventually leads to complete economic collapse...(as seen in EAST Germany)
So unless you can quote a source more reliable than the most senior branch of Arse-erica's inteligence machine...
kindly hush yourself.
on the note of Japans millitary....
they have not fought in a conflict for over 50 years....
hmm they have a few wshiny bits of kit...like a cool tank...but its NEVER been tested in ANY enviroment other than Japan...which is woodland...
so they actually dont even know how it would perform in a desert....
as for china and Russia have backwards equipment...
hmmm the russian main battle tank can take 2 seperate direct strikes with a MILAN and still be 100% fighting effective...it is the ONLY tank in the world that can do so.
Russia (along with norway) has the best arctic comando`s in the world..
atack helicopters that can take multiple RPG strikes (the flying tank)
oh and lets not forget article 1.47 built in the 70's...russias ultra top secret fighter bomber which was the MOST sophisticated war plane until the Eurofighter came along...and as the US does not have the Eurofighter...that backwards army has planes that can shoot anything you put up in the sky...out of the sky
as for CHINA....
china has the largest hacker army in the world!
also the most sophisticated in the world...
i forget the exact figures but the DOD estimate that there are over 300 attacks on DOD systems alone PER DAY from china and that about half are sucessfull...
also every year China mobilises 1million men and machines in its annual military exersize...
china`s industrial power and size makes it the world super power...
you can have all the fancy technology you want...but when faced with an enemy that can produce, ship, and FIRE over 10,million rounds of artilary per hour...and keep doing that indefinitely with no REAL economic cost...what exactly are you going to do?
also i dont know who told you Japan is the 2nd biggest economy in the world...
thats NOT true.,...
its the EU,
3rd is China
4 is India
5 is Japan
by 2015 China will be in number 2
Japan will remain static at number 5
(this is because the economic impact of a pensions black hole takes a while to take effect)
Indo-China are expected to make their bonds STRONGER....while keeping its distance from Russia but still alaid to Russia as Russia has a habit of antagonising the west...in particular the US...who in 2015 are still predicted to be the top power...though with a significant reduction in actual power...
once indo-china surpass the US...ties with Russia will be strengthened...
Corporations and Failed states will also take on a gretaer role in global politics...
--------hmmm ive digressed from thed topic...its just that idiots like jar head up there who dont know shit about much think they are so clever....
always a dig...but never any content....bit like the training thier army lads get put through
but yes...
Teenage pregnancy is something we should be proud of...as its the only real way we gonna stay at number one...
ALSO....one has to think about DEMOGRAPHICS...
in the UK...currently a christian country...the average christian family contains 2.4 children...
the average Muslim family 4.8 .....
if that carries on what do you think will happen?