God that took ages... by the time i'd listened and gone to write it down i'd forgotten what they had said and had to listen again :P
Originally Posted by SHAD0W
and whats that game they are playing? *dorama*
The only game i saw them playing was Shogi, i think... Unless i missed something.
anyway, here is my attempt, some things i wasn't totally sure how to translate and im not too sure i got their names right.. anyway here it is
EDIT: Edited to make it easier to read
Narrator: Here is the katto household
Narrator: Katto-sans wife Wakes up every morning at 6 O’clock
Narrator: Katto-san Wakes up every morning at half 6 and reads the morning newspaper
Running man & woman and katto-san: Good Morning
Midori-san: Good morning! What time is it?
Katto-san: It’s 7 O’clock
Midori-san: Eh! Hurry hurry!
Katto-sans wife: Wait a minute
Narrator: In the katto houehould breakfast is always eaten at around 7 O’clock
Midori-san: いただきます(In English I don’t know)
Narrator: Midori san Drinks milk every morning
Narrator: Katto-san doesn’t drink milk, he drinks tea
Katto-san: Midori where is Tarou(sp?)
Midori-san: *points upstairs, mimes sleeping*
Midori-san: いってきます (not sure how it‘s best said in English.. Im leaving?)
Narrator: Midori-san uses her bike to go to school
Tarou-san: Good Morning
Katto-sans wife: Tarou(sp?) it’s half 7!
*didn’t know any of the vocab from when the father stood up… either that or im being lazy with my listening*
Narrator: Katto-san always leave before 8:15
Narrator: He always takes the train to the office
Narrator: Tarou-san always leaves at around half 8
Narrator: He gets the bus to college
Narrator: Sometimes Katto-sans wife watches the television
*couldn’t recognize too many words in that tv drama*
Background noise: Welcome
Narrator: In the afternoon katto-sans wife goes shopping
Shopkeep: Welcome.
Katto-sans wife: Hello, could I have that peach please. *points to peach*
Shopkeep:Yes of-course
Narrator: Midori-sans school always finishes at 4 O’clock
Midori-san: Ah mother.
Katto-sans wife: Ah midori.
Midori-san: I’m home
Katto-sans wife: Welcome back
Narrator: Sometimes midori-san helps in the kitchen
Tarou-san: I’m home!
Katto-sans wife: Welcome back!
Midori-san: Welcome back!
*couldn’t make out the words just before his hand was slapped for pinching food*
Narrator: Sometimes Yan-san goes to katto-sans house
*some awesome kung fu show with them all pointing and laughing*
Katto-sans wife: Ah, welcome home!
Katto-san: I’m back
Narrator: Katto-san always gets home at about 8 O’clock
*playing shogi*
(All I heard were whispers saying そうそう etc. :P)
Yan-san: What time is it?
Midori-san: Ummm… it’s 9:20
Yan-san: Eh! 9:20
Yan-san: Thankyou for today
Katto-san: Not at all, please be careful
Yan-san: Thankyou, I will be leaving now
All: Goodnight, Bye bye, Goodni~~~ght
Narrator: Katto-sans family always go to sleep at about 11 O’clock
Also, wow... that really was an old video!