Originally Posted by MutsuYakumo
And kid if I were you I would start thinking of something else. You're not going to Japan, a lot of people are going to tell you it's possible and to keep trying, but it useless. Save yourself the hassle and just give up.
Its nice to have proof I am not the most callous and arrogant person on this forum. Arigato, MutsuYakumo.
But rather than argue whether a negative assertion is correct on not, consider this. Even the most hopeless and never-realized dream can be worth keeping. Some can inspire a corollary dream that is possible. Others may lead to the start of an entirely different path where the person truly belongs.
Case in point, I have a dream that I have known since early in my teens was completely unattainable for me - absolutely, physically impossible to achieve the utlimate goal:Prima ballerina. However, its presence in my heart led me to pursue other avenues that had pieces of that dream which I could make happen that the opportunity to pursue would probably never have been noticed if it weren't for my silly pipedream. Because my heart wanted to dance, but I shredded ankles could not handle the stress of ballet, I discovered yoga, tap dance, salsa, tango, roller skating.
Reality checks are definitely needed more often around here, but we all need to give it some more thought before telling someone to give up their dreams.