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mangafreak (Offline)
Posts: 104
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Location: My own little world...
Scarred by a game - 12-23-2008, 07:43 PM

I was terrified for almost two months after going to visit my uncle who I rarely saw, and he had one of those game systems you hook up to the TV, like Xbox or Playstation or whatever. He only had games for "older audiences" so the most appropriate one was Van Helsing. I was really bored, so my dad told me to go entertain myself. Anyway, after playing that game (I was only 9) I couldn't sleep for two months. I still can't watch horror movies without feeling sick, and am totally afraid of lightning now, because once you got to a certain level, you walk into a really dark room, and bolt of lightning strikes, and then these 3 freaky vampire girls came out nowhere and try to kill you.

"Why waste good technology on science and medicine? Play video games instead."
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