Originally Posted by Aniki
Actually AMV's are an art form. Like all art forms they have a theme and just like sculptures that are made from stone, metal or even trash, AMV's are made from anime clips which needs creativity.
I also see AMV's like collage - which is a work of formal art, made from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole.
Art is subjective - there is no point in arguing what is art and what isn't. What is art depends entirely on the viewer. I don't believe AMV's are art, because it doesn't require the amount of artistic ability I believe something is needed to create art. Some people may feel that art is anything creative, whether it's your own work or not - or simply the message portrayed. Everyone sees things differently, but saying that AMVs are on a par with a sculpture is not something I agree with - portraits and sculptures, when done to a certain artistic level require a lot more talent than a well executed AMV does, in my opinion.
In any case, I think all our questions have been answered as far as they will be. They said their 'click' with Japan is not solely based on entertainment, and when I asked her what it is based on, she simply said she does not know her self. So what is the point in questioning her further if she doesn't know the answer?
I will leave this topic open in case other users want to comment on their interest or link with Japan, but let's not keep hitting our heads against brick walls with this.