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Keaton421 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 672
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: USA
12-24-2008, 12:40 AM

If you crave hot beaches with beautiful water, go to Jamaica

Ditching everything you have and hitting the road is a dream many men have.

If you don't speak Japanese, you'll have difficulty living in Japan or getting a tech job. Do you have a college degree? My advice would be to try out the JET program first. It would give you a good opportunity to pick up some much-needed Japanese, and you might even find you dislike being in Japan more than your engagement

Oh! I wish I was in the land of Ramen
Otaku there are not downtrodden
Kawaii! Kawaii! Kawaii, Desu Ne!

Defender of the Scholar, Scourge of the Otaku, Savior of Japan
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