I may not like VK, but with no bias or bullsh*t - emo ruins everything it touches.
The music is terrible, and the fashion is just gross. They're also elitists. But they're aping the styles of punk rock and goth, not VK. VK is aping the styles of American hair metal and Victorian England. So if you want to delve a bit deeper, a British historian might claim that you VK guys and gals are ruining historical British fashion.
That being said I can't stand people who can't get with the time. My parents call any handheld system a "gameboy" and every RPG is Pokemon or World of Warcraft

Oh! I wish I was in the land of Ramen
Otaku there are not downtrodden
Kawaii! Kawaii! Kawaii, Desu Ne!
Defender of the Scholar, Scourge of the Otaku, Savior of Japan