Originally Posted by Keaton421
Good question. I'm in the Army, and it's very likely that within the next 3 years, I'll be deployed to Afghanistan for 1 year - being stationed in Germany or Korea are 2 years long, but you can bring your lover if you're married. So we're a long-distance couple with more distance coming.
The military, and any distance, will make a weak relationship weaker, and a strong one stronger. If the only thing you share together is love, you won't make it 2 months. My girlfriend actually encouraged me to join the military, knowing full well the risks, because it was my dream. People that loyal and devoted are very rare, but with someone like that, anything is possible.
It's tough, knowing our time together is always limited. But when you live like this, you truly understand the meaning of "I'd walk a thousand miles to spend an hour with you".
Thank you, Keaton.
The guy I'm with is contemplating going into the air force, and if he does, he'll be gone 3 years. I'm fairly certain we won't be married at that time, as that would be only about 6 months from now that he'd go.
I'm sorry, my brain isn't functioning very well right now, just a bit tired.
What other things do you think a couple should share, other than love?
I'm kind of like that. He told me he will earn a good but if money, and also get medical benefits, and training. And that when he's done he can open his restaurant. (he likes to cook, and is also very good at it.)
I would miss him terribly, and be sad for him to go. but I'd be very happy for him to earn the amount he would, and afterwards be able to have his own restaurant.