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(#67 (permalink))
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reptilesandsamurai (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 183
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Florida
12-24-2008, 05:03 AM

Mine happened the week of Thanksgiving this year. Well, it actually started a few weeks before that. I was constantly thirsty, I had to urinate way more than usual, I was always drowsy, and my vision had started to get blurry especially my night vision. I just thought I had the flu and it was time for a new prescription for my glasses. So on the Sunday before thanksgiving, I threw up everything I tried to eat or drink. Even water. Not to be gross but when I'd throw up the water it would still be cold. At about 3AM it got to the point where I was getting extremely short of breath. I called 911 and was rushed into the emergency room. Apparently I was in the middle of a diabetic episode. One of the ER docs said I was about an hour away from kidney failure and two hours from a diabetic coma which would have probably killed me.

One of the test they do for blood glucose is called the A1C the average person's is 5.5 which is an average blood glucose of about 120. My A1C was 10.5. So my blood glucose was around 300. So my blood had the consistency of motor oil. I got to spend the next week in the hospital which is always fun. And now I get to shoot up with insulin every night.

Reptiles have silly grins
Dark eyes--shiny teeth--some have fins
Samurai they smile never
Serious--pretty swords--very clever
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