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BurningMemory9 (Offline)
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12-24-2008, 08:37 PM

For me, it's an ups-and-downs situation. Sometimes I really want a boyfriend, and get all angsty about not having one, but other times it's great to be single, for a few reasons:

1. I'm not tied down to any one guy, so i can flirt as I please. xD
2. I'm kind of fickle, so I'm glad I don't have to deal with all the break-ups I'm sure will happen once I start dating.
3. My parents don't want me to be dating yet, so there's a lot less conflict if I stay single.

Yeah... At the moment, I do like someone, but I'm fine being single, and pretty happy. All the stuff going on in my life with my family kind of makes up for, and keeps my mind off, my relationship status.

Hi there! I'm BurningMemory9. Call me whatever you want. As long as it's not mean. XD

PM me or add me on MSN if you wanna talk
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