this is long. Iz my friendship problem. -
12-25-2008, 12:21 AM
I'm so heart broken right now. I have know my best friend for a total of 3
years and 24 days as of today. We always ended up liking the same thing as
like guys but i always give up cuz for me i can give up anything for the friend
ship so then i told her that i have a crush on this dude and she said she
wanna help me but i was like no but then so said " i am on my period dont
piss me off just give me his freakin number" so i gave it to her. Then the
third day wat i know is that she was flirting with him. i wasan't mad. yeah
and she told me she likes him so i was like ok yeah i dont like him anymore.
So then she start talkin to him till midnight and today her mom called and
started yellin at me because i keep on giving her guys phone # and she's like
boy crazy so i told my friend wat happen and i told her not to tell her mom
bout this but she did and wat was worse is that she told this guy who she
just know for like 2 days all my secrets and other things. I also have
problems with my family now because of her. and i always take the blame for
her but then my other best friend tell me iz time to stop being friends with
her and he is like always right but i couldn't let go of this 3 Years and 24
days friendship. so i would do as according to the most vote. so should i
act like nothing happened like always or should i not be her friend anymore?
( some how whenever i hear her voice i cant help but just not to be mad but
all my other friends always thinks that she is putting me down and stuff but i
really dont mind so this is so hard) i felt really betrayed that she went to far saying alot she shouldn't say.
Last edited by yukiNnight : 12-25-2008 at 12:25 AM.