Originally Posted by theraw
Could you please explain a little more about what you mean by "sound" words... or better yet go a little more in detail about the differences between the two (Hirigana and Katakana). Metaphors are the greatest!
Also, what is the the best all around book any of you can recommend on writing kana and kanji?
Onomatopoeias. Woof, chirp, ding, etc. There's really not much more difference. You'll be safe using hirigana when you aren't sure, but keep in mind that if it's a loan-word (naifu for knife, Amerika for America, etc.), it'll almost always be in katakana.
I bought two books on kanji. One was for the first hundred, and the other is a dictionary. I only use the dictionary. For kanji, I just use various online sources and flashcards that I made for myself. For kana, I pretty much did the same thing. Look up the charts on Wikipedia or something, and study about five at a time. You may learn differently, but for me, it's all about constant repetition for all the characters. I only use books for grammar.