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MazenJapan (Offline)
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Ok i have got to ask this... - 12-26-2008, 07:04 AM

Ok...Since am on a japanese website now...with all the japanese people really have to ask this.....

What's up with japanese people and thier hair....?!!!

yeah i know now that some people are gonna pop out of the no-where now and say ....all asian people got this hair vodo...or soemthing lol....but am talking about Japanese....

See...i just need to know LOL! is it like stuff u guys use such as creams or straightening systems..coz ive heard that japanese people take real good care of thier hair...and if so...(could u tell me what u recommand for using..)

Or else tell me the secret xD

Now my hair is...Black medium hair lengh...with a slight wave...Not shinny -.-
and a bit dry...-.-

PS:Am a guy.
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