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tocrayzay (Offline)
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12-27-2008, 12:22 PM

Originally Posted by Arikado View Post
Not just that, I don't understand any sort of lack of respect for those willing to take the commitment to marry and raise children (don't get hot, I'm not pointing fingers).
oh no I'm not disrespecting people who do get married for that reason its just I know somebody they knew each other for two weeks, she got knocked up and that's why they got married. I understand it can work but still there should be some thought put into getting married and I don't think a child should be the reason, yeah if there was love already and they're like well we might as well fine but I'm just saying people who are basically just cut friends shouldn't get married just because they weren't careful enough. it takes more than a child to make a marriage work is all i'm saying
(and no didn't get hot just making sure I'm not misunderstood )

"If Life and Death be things that seem,
If Death be sleep, and Life a dream,
May not the everlasting sleep
The dream of Life eternal keep?"
~Father Tabb
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