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(#6 (permalink))
spicytuna (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 667
Join Date: Dec 2008
12-28-2008, 05:01 AM

Originally Posted by UKJOHN View Post
Now I have a question. I will be 55 next week and was wondering if there are people of my age that worry about this issue that I am concerned about. I worry about not meeting a female companion and face the possability of being alone in my old age. I dont do the bar and club scene so meeting a woman is hard to do. I was married for 20 years and do miss the company of a woman (I'm not just talking about sex here).
Your age is only an obstacle if you allow it to be. Forget that arbitrary number and continue searching for that special someone because she's out there somewhere.

With that being said, this site isn't the best place to start. Perhaps one of the other pay sites would give you a better selection.

And do what I do. Whenever I wake up feeling lazy or lack motivation, I think of a fellow Japanese mountaineer by the name of Yuichiro Miura. He summited Mount Everest at age 75!

Best of luck!
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