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MissMisa (Offline)
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12-28-2008, 09:51 PM

Originally Posted by kouichisan View Post
Yeah, you would if you take it regularly. I hate pills, I do not take medicine even when I'm ill. I let my body recover itself (let my immune system do the work), I am forced to use medicine when I am very sick otherwise I stay away from it.
There is nothing wrong with taking pills if you have a sleeping disorder as long as you don't become reliant on it, the drug mentioned earlier is a form of sedative and used for stress relief and not suitable for sleeping problems at all, but some of the others on the market are fine to use. It's probably more detrimental to your health to not sleep properly than to take a tablet when you think you aren't sleeping very well.

Pills do miracles for people and without them I'd be ill a lot of the time. I have no problem with taking pills when my body isn't doing what it should be.
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