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(#214 (permalink))
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JoBo (Offline)
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12-28-2008, 11:53 PM

Originally Posted by Saffron View Post
Jobo: I'm just like you. Though I'm not a good judge of character with guys. They start off being nice and turn into bad guys. So I need to be really careful of those pretending be nice but are really bad boys in disguise.
I see I suppose that makes sense.

But some of my friends know when a guys a neglectful idiot and still goes for them ... like one actually told me that she finds it kind of attractive?!

I'll never know how -.-"

I'm too patient with relationships I take my time with them so i really get to know the guy, and i have very high standards so although it takes longer for me to end up with a guy, it's almost guaranteed that they'll be decent and not a fake

I learnt from experience when i rushed into my first relationship with no standards and ended up being emotionally blackmailed into staying with a guy i completely clashed with who pretty much sucked the life out of me So i decided to be less easy afterwards, i've only had one boyfriend since and he was perfect

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