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CarleyGee (Offline)
staring at awkward legs
Posts: 866
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: East Baton Rouge, Louisiana
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12-29-2008, 12:27 AM

Just recently I had to drop 3 best friends, that I had known
for maybe four or five years, because High School really
changed them and such.

For you, you need to learn to stick up for yourself and
not be a pushover (no offense) Just because y'all are
the best of friends doesn't mean she can be in charge
and you have to listen to her and make yourself
miserable and give her everything you want. A good
friend would be happy for you if you found a guy you
liked, so as of now, you either need to have a serious
conversation (plan that out ahead of time) or just
drop her :/ Those kinds of friendships you will regret
over time if you don't try and do anything about it.

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