Originally Posted by noodle
I edited my post...
I don't think you understood the graph, or I dont understand what you mean... If you become sleepy when your body temp starts going down, then how does the hottest part of the day make you more sleepy?
 Noone said anything about "randomly" sleeping. Taking a nap doesn't imply randomness...
Yeah Noodle I'm really sorry admittedly I'm not explaining myself well at all and I've confused myself, so I'm not surprised you are confused!
When it's a really hot day, I feel very tired. So the graph is strange to me because it implies that people become more tired when it is cold, doesn't it?
A nap implies randomness to me because people usually do it when they are tired, which is at random times depending on what they've done that day ^-^;
Originally Posted by Saffron
What works for one person, will not work for another. I'm not a teenager but I need at least 8 hours sleep which for the past 5 years I haven't been getting. I can not survive on 5 hours because I have severe Anemia and if I get less than 8 hours I become very ill after a few nights of not very much sleep.5 years of insomnia has made my Anemia worse. Even though I have had to sleep during the day for the past 5 years, it causes more problems for me than it cures. MisaMisa: I'm like you, sleeping during the day does not make me feel good. The past few nights I have been sleeping right through the night. Without any day naps. Even though I get tired during the day, I stay awake until the night. I am starting to feel better healthwise to. I have a lot more time to do things. Right now my night sleeps are just catching up on sleep I have lost. Probably why I still feel tired when I wake up. It got to the point I stopped eating. Now my appetite has returned.
Well 5 or 6 hours is okay for people who have never had insomnia and those in good health. I have years of sleep to catch up on. Everyone is different.
I also have anemia, so maybe this is the reason we need our sleep and feel awful in the afternoon. Anemia causes tiredness at random times and that's why I found you need a consistent sleep pattern or it makes you feel ill. If I don't have my 8 hours I do feel ill and I almost end up physically falling asleep in class, and not in a jokey way either. Eating and getting your iron intake is the most important thing when you have anemia though, therefore losing your appetite makes your whole wellbeing worse [I'm sure your doctor would have told you that,] so that's why sleep is probably way more important for us.