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(#3 (permalink))
wickedspell (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 13
Join Date: Dec 2008
12-30-2008, 03:42 PM

Hi TalnSG,
thanks for suggestion!(^^)
yeah,that's what i wasnt sure about. but he leaded me to think so coz he's always, i mean ALWAYS took care of me,and became like a frined rather than a customer. He sometimes siad things like, you wear nice dress today.i like your jacket. when will be in japan again.He even found a stuff i asked for,eventhough the shop doesnt sell them anymore and gave it to me 2 weeks later after i alrady forgotten about it.,etc.
that's why i started to feel there could be something sepcial with his generousity.because other staff never offer me help unless i asked at all.
Too much thinking again? lol
But anyway,i like him a lot.

With my poor japanese, right now,im trying so hard to write a card to him.
You think it would be odd if i write something like「OOさん」のこと好きです。?
Not so sure about the meaning but i heard that from many drama lol
Right now what i wrote is すぐ長野に本社で務めておめでとうございます。
Any correction for me please anyone??
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