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CrazyLee (Offline)
4th Kyu Aikidoka
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12-30-2008, 07:44 PM

Okay, the core of the English language - whichever type you go for is the same. If your after help with English, written or spoken then give me a yell. I'm no teacher, but having been born and lived here I kind of know how things go.
And take thngs slowly. I've been trying to learn Japanese for years now and haven't really got anywhere other than picking out a few words I hear :P, so your doing better than me.

@Keaton: the joys of the Geordie language. Its like cockney-ryming slang in that anyone local fully understands it. And its better spoken than written.

@Noodle: what can I say? I'm not from the South, with those strange people who *looks at your location*.....oh dear

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