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Kazusekai (Offline)
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[How]Traditional Japanese Living Style How To? - 12-31-2008, 04:14 AM


Let me start off by saying is well I might sound that I might be into the Japanese Culture alot more then anyone else or maybe I am not.

But I been wondering, I know I dont even know how the Japanese lived through the old era or in other words Samurai Era. I seen so many movies and I know that its not the same in real life or it maybe but who knows.

So I been thinking how do you live the Japanese Old Era style? I want to experience the old way but only thing is I don't know how. Modern world is well I experienced lots of it and its cool and everything but I been curious how it feels to experience the Traditional Japanese Style Living.

So by writing I ask you or if anyone has an idea and think of this as a experiment or experience test to see how it feels. So does anyone have an idea? If so please lend me your wise words. I would love to hear your story side of it.

P.S: I might be weird to ask this but I been curious for while, ever since I did some research on The Old Era and Samurai Era. Anyways ^^

The Way Of The Samurai.

Last edited by Kazusekai : 12-31-2008 at 06:02 AM.
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