Originally Posted by fanimeboy
hey even if you say that. i still have hope. i know most people think its stupid, cause you sound just like my family. if i gave up now then i know theres no hope for me. im stubborn and i will keep trying. even if i fail. im glad i kept through my dream and tried my hardest. but even so i still would not give up. hope is what i have left and you cant take that away from me
Damn straight!! XD
Peoples like yous are the ones that go down in history for inventing new things or beating world records or ruling countries! Not that you're gonna go that far but i mean people who are determined and try their best are the ones who do great things!
People like him are the ones that will be living next door to their parents in 10 years because they don't wanna go out and explore the world if it means they'll have a problem or two along the way
I say go you
Ganbatte ne!_x