Thread: Dir en grey
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AsianAtHeart (Offline)
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01-01-2009, 02:30 AM

Originally Posted by Miyavifan View Post
That's ok. It's a good reason to vent.

It's kinda like when you have people there who were there for the group touring with Dir en grey, and have to be all jostled and shoved all over the place, by people who aren't Diru fans. There should seriously be some polling done, to see which group's type of fans fit better with Diru fans.

something like that.....
For the record, I didn't think The Human Abstract was all that bad *shields self*

At the concert I went to, most people seemed to just be there for Diru, NO ONE could care less about their opening band, but I feel for you. What's the point of spending 25-50 bucks on a ticket if all you're going for isn't even the main event? Might as well get your money's worth, at least.

Last edited by AsianAtHeart : 01-01-2009 at 02:32 AM.
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