Thread: Screw
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(#829 (permalink))
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Jo_Kittie (Offline)
Still owns Uruha's ass.
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01-01-2009, 04:39 PM

Originally Posted by adina View Post
oh yesss.... kittie is never here *hands porn*
actually she was about to make a porn movie with him in the RP thread
I'd like to see yuuto *coughsbangingsomeonecoughs*
god what's wrong with me today???
*cuddles jin* XD

I'm gonna make raunchies with Yuuto and Shiyuu from Serial Number, mohahaha.
You'll call me the greatest director in ALL genres! >:3

x麗 性x


Uruha, Bou, Yuuto, Shiyuu, Yuuichi, Yomi, Hiko, Hide, Zero
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