01-01-2009, 04:57 PM
Aa, ramune, the most confusingest drink ever... but it's really good though.
I got my first Ramune at a bakery (of all places). there was a little cooler thing, like from where you get frozen foods or chilled drinks. My mom said i could get one thing, and the oddly shaped-bottle and big red Kana appealed to me. i got the ramune, she got some kind of peach soda. we got home, and we were so confused, i forgot all about the concept of the little plunger thingie, and just hit the ball with a hammer. It worked (thank god i didn't break the bottle) but then i read the directions. :P
EDIT** I think my favorite Flavor (so far) had to be strawberry. oh, it was WONDERFUL!
If my Japanese confuses you, if you don't undestand, you are always free to correct my grammar.