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JoBo (Offline)
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01-01-2009, 06:01 PM

Originally Posted by biginjapan View Post
I think Saaxu is mainly annoyed by people who are often referred to as "weeaboos". Basically they are people who try to act like they are Japanese.

There were these two girls in my Japanese literature class that always snacked on Japanese candy and they both told me they were Japanese majors. Everyday the one girl would be late and the friend would yell in the hall "HAYAKU". God damn, I felt embarrassed for them. Not only that but they say random Japanese words like kawaii and sugoi all the time.

I feel sorry for them because they are the ones who go to Japan and end up hating the place. Saw a girl in my study abroad program who was like this and she was on the verge of suicide.
Oh i sees

Yeah my sister's just like that It annoys the hell outta me!

She likes to boast that she knows loads more about Japan and Japanese than i do but she only really knows about the fashion styles, some popular j-rock and j-pop artists (like Alice Nine and Rurutia), the odd japanese word and anime & manga. I'm the one who's studying the actual language in culture so i might not know what a souleater is or the theme song to Death Note but it'll only come back on her when she actually goes to Japan, not me


Last edited by JoBo : 01-01-2009 at 06:04 PM.
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